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7 effective steps to become Rich in India.

Here we are talking about those people who are born in poor families. Because why would a person born in a rich and wealthy family want to become rich? We keep seeing many stories of poverty and prosperity through television, movies, online videos etc. By the way, being born in poverty is not a painful thing, but a painful thing is to be born in poverty and give up life in poverty itself.

Yes, this world is no less than a battlefield. From the time a man incarnates in this world, his life struggle begins. And he fights not one but many battles in this battlefield of his life. But man feels that if he earns money he becomes rich. Then all his problems will be solved. And he will have to struggle less to live his life his own way.

This is also true to a large extent, but after earning money, that is, even after becoming rich, the battle in this life-like battlefield does not subside. Yes, it is necessary that a person can easily buy any means with money, which makes his life easy. Maybe this is the reason, how do people become rich at present? Like searching questions on the internet.

People have many ways to get employment and earn money. But in making them rich, their thinking of saving, thinking of investing and thinking of taking risk have an important contribution. Not everyone who earns money can be called rich. Rather, this name can be given only to those who have earned so much money in their life that their living, food, lifestyle has become luxurious.

7 effective steps to become rich in India
7 effective steps to become rich in India

Who can be called rich in India

By the way, theoretically and spiritually, a person who is happy in his life. And he has no complaints with his life, he is rich. But is it true? No, in practice it is not true. In practice, the rich and poor are determined on the basis of their net worth and earnings. The higher the earning, the higher his net worth, and the higher the net worth the richer he is.

But despite this, there are many people who want to know how much their earnings or net worth should be, that they should be included in the list of rich. However, there is no clear definition of rich. But in the coming days, a satisfactory answer can be given by taking the results of some surveys as the basis.

When a survey agency did a survey on this topic in which people were asked that in their view how much people earning in a year can be rich. So 85% of the people said that people whose annual income is more than 20 lakhs, they are rich in their eyes.

The same agency asked the same question to the people regarding net worth in the second survey. So about 76% of the people said that whose net worth ranges from 2 crores to 10 crores, they are rich in their eyes.

So it is clear from the above given survey results that, a person in India whose annual income is more than 20 lakh rupees, and his net worth is more than 5 crores, he is a rich person in the eyes of most of the people.

Why do people want to be rich

When man descends on this earth, he is an innocent boy or girl, who is completely dependent on his parents or guardians at that time. This dependence on his parents or guardians continues till he becomes a breadwinner himself. If his parents had no shortage of money, they would have provided good facilities to that child according to their status from childhood till his youth.

On the other hand, if his parents or guardians must have been poor, then they may have taught their child to be raised like a strangulation of many of their desires. And it may be that it would not have been taught even under compulsion. This is just a small example of how painful and struggle life can be in the absence of money.

Apart from this, many such cases happen in the life of people, which force them to think that if they were also rich, then such situations would not have arisen with them. Overall, people want to become rich to improve the future of themselves and their families and to make the events happening around them in their favor.

Why can’t everyone who makes money become rich?

As we have already mentioned that every human being must do some work to earn his livelihood. So it is natural that every person must have earned some money or the other. But can all money-making people become rich? No, that’s because everyone’s attitude towards money is different. Somebody is not able to save 1000 rupees even after earning lakhs of rupees, whereas someone saves 2000 rupees even after earning 5000 rupees.

Some save money to go on world tour, some save money to give admission to their child in a good school. There are very few people who save money to earn money from money. That is, the number of people saving money for the purpose of investing is very less. Maybe this is the reason, not all people who make money become rich. Let us understand this better with an example.

Example:- Mohan, Sohan and Rohan were friends, all three completed their degrees from the same college, and all three were 25 years old at that time. And all three were working in good positions in the multinational company. That is, all three used to get attractive salaries. And these three were very happy in their life, but their attitude and thinking towards money were different.

One day when all three were going somewhere talking together. So the trio discussed why they want to save money for the future. Mohan replies that he is saving money to buy a bigger house and an expensive car. Sohan replied that he wants to go on world tour with his family, hence saving money. But Sohan’s thinking was different from these two in matters of money.

Sohan said that he is saving the money so that he can invest it in some good place, so that he can get good returns and he can become rich at the age of 30. However, at that time Mohan and Rohan laughed at Sohan’s words. But after a time when Sohan earned crores of rupees by investing the money in the right place, he could not live without praising him.

So when it comes to why even people who earn money can not become rich? So the answer is that different people have different attitude towards money. If we talk about the present too, then the thoughts of most of the youth will be like that of Mohan and Rohan in matters of money. But if a person learns to manage and use money properly, then he can easily become rich.

1. Follow the money

If any person thinks only about how he will become rich, then he will not be able to become rich. Because mere imagination or thinking cannot make you rich. Rather, the person interested in this has to follow the money from time to time. A balance has to be made between spending and saving according to your earnings.

For example, if your salary is Rs 30000, then you should try by all means that your total savings in the next two years should be at least Rs 3 lakhs. For this, you have to manage and operate your money properly, and invest money in a better way so that, your income and money can increase.

2. Do not show off

A lot of people, especially the younger generation, waste a lot of their money for show off. They will have a mobile phone, it will be doing well, but they will buy another new phone to show off. Many clothes may be lying in their wardrobe like this, but still they will not forget to buy new clothes when they get salary. That too only so that he can show it to the people.

If you have the same habit, then believe me, no matter how much money you earn, but you will never be able to become rich. Because by spending money in this way, even though you are fulfilling your desires, but your money is not able to earn any kind of profit. Therefore, if you want to become rich, then invest your money in the right place without being in the guise of appearances.

3. Save to invest, not just save

Many people save money, but they do not know why they are saving money. If you ask someone, they will say that they will come in handy in the future, so they are saving money. Which is also correct. But are they saving money in such a way that they can become rich after few years? Probably not, because most people keep their money lying in the savings bank account. Due to which his money is not able to earn as much profit as it should.

So if you want to become rich, you should set some investment goal and save money for it and not just for saving. Suppose you want to get a plot at your preferred location, but you don’t have that much money right now, then you can start saving money to buy that plot. Because there are many people who bought plots at very low prices and invested in them and they became rich by selling them at very high profits.

4. Avoid lending without interest

It has been seen many times that people provide large sums of money to their acquaintances and relatives without any interest in many cases. But if you want to become rich, then you have to avoid giving any loan to anyone on which you are not getting any profit.

Believe me, if you give a loan to a relative, acquaintance without any interest, then your money will not be able to make profit for you. And in such informal transactions, there is a fear of spoiling the kinship. However, this does not mean at all that you should stop helping your friends, relatives, relatives with money.

5. Treat money like a jealous lover

It often happens that if you ignore, or do not prioritize, the person who loves you very much. So he may start flirting with another person to get attention. And it may be that he will break the relationship with you going forward. To avoid these situations, it becomes your responsibility to give priority to your partner.

Similarly, if you do not take care of your money, then it may be that those money may belong to someone else. That’s why you have to give priority to your money too, because it is often seen that many people spend money carelessly, and in the end nothing comes to their hands. If you want to be rich, learn to prioritize your money.

6. Poverty is not a hindrance to getting rich

Many people think that they were born in a poor family. Their financial condition is very bad, so how will they be able to become rich? That a boy who used to wash dishes in a hotel, and at the same time had a dream of building a big food empire. He was none other than Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC.

So the meaning of saying is that no matter how weak your financial condition is. And no matter how much the circumstances are against you, but if you want to become rich, then no one can stop your path except you.

7. Think big then you will get big

It is said that you get the results of anything according to your thinking. And as we have told that people in India consider a person of more than 5 crore net worth as rich. So you think about 50 crore net worth, not just 50 million net worth. Only then maybe you will be able to make a net worth of up to ten crores.

Because at present the competition in every field is so much that if you work hard to get 50 crores, then you will be able to get 10 crores. It is clear from this fact that it is not enough to think big, but it is very important to do whatever hard work is required to get that big. Only then can you become rich one day.

Today, even though Jeff Bezos is named among the world’s richest man, Microsoft’s founder Bill Gate was once in this number one position. And he said on the basis of his life experience that if you are born poor, it is not your fault. But if you die poor, it’s your fault. So to become rich and make your life easier, you can follow what we have mentioned.

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