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7 Simple ways to earn money from Google.

Google continues to dominate the search engine world. It’s not just because people can try different ways to earn money from Google. But because it has helped to make human life easy and simple. No matter what age group you are, but if you use the internet in a Smartphone. So you must have enjoyed not one but many free services of Google.

But do you know that, if you have a Smartphone, and internet facility is available in it. So Google gives you many such platforms, through which you can earn money from Google. But one cannot earn money from these platforms overnight; rather hard work is required to earn money from the platforms provided by Google.

If you are also interested in earning money from Google, and want to know about these methods. Then you must read this article of ours till the end. But before we talk about these methods? Let us know what is Google after all?

how to earn money from Google

What is Google?

By the way, Google does not need any introduction at all. But still such people who want to earn money from Google have a curiosity to know a little bit about it. Google is primarily known as a search engine. And the reality is also that Google is a major search engine, through which people can get any of their doubts or questions and answers within just a few seconds.

If we talk about the full form of GOOGLE, then its full form is “Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth”. This search engine named Google was started in 1995 by two PhD students Larry Page and Sergey Brin from America. At that time they were studying at the Stanford University.

At present, the kingship in Google’s search engine remains intact. Along with this, Google has many very popular and popular platforms. These include mobile operating system Android, video sharing website YouTube, Gmail, Google Drive, Play Store, Google Ad, Google Ad sense, Google Analytics  and many more.

How to earn money from Google

First of all tie the knot that, earning money from Google also requires you to give hard work, strategy and proper time. Apart from this, those who have at least one Smartphone and internet facility is available in it. Only those people can think of earning money from Google. So let us know which such ways of earning are.

Earn money from YouTube

Somewhere you are not thinking that the talk was going on to earn money from Google, then from where did this YouTube come in the middle. If you are thinking like this, then let us tell you that YouTube is a platform given by Google. In this video sharing platform, people create and upload different types of videos, which are called YouTube Creators.

You too see the videos uploaded by YouTube creators, we also watch and almost a large population of the world watch. Do you know? Those who are YouTube creators can monetize their videos through advertising and affiliate marketing.

As far as ad monetization is concerned, this process can be accomplished through Google Adsense, a free tool provided by Google. And the creator can paste his affiliate link in the description of the video while publishing the video.

If you are also thinking about earning money from Google, and you have any of the qualities of teaching, giving motivation, laughing, entertaining, etc. to people. So you can create your own YouTube channel.

Earn money by creating a free blog in blogger

Do you like to think, imagine, research and then write it, if yes then this way to earn money from Google can be very useful for you. is such a platform provided by Google to people for free, through which interested people can create their own blog very easily without spending a single rupee.

Through this platform, any person who does not have any knowledge of coding etc., he can easily create his own blog or website in just a few minutes. But if you are serious about earning money from Google by adopting this method, then you will have to constantly add something to this blog.

Some content has to be published, keep in mind that the content is not copy-pasted from a website, or violates copyright rules.

Any person will be able to earn money through blogger only when the content published on his blog is his original content. It may take a person months or even years to earn money from this platform.

When Google starts giving blogger’s content a place in its search engine, then gradually traffic will start coming to blogger’s blog. After that, the interested person can earn money by publishing ads from Google Adsense or any other ad network on his blog and also through affiliate marketing.

Earn money from Google adsense

By the way, Google Adsense is not a direct way to earn any money. That’s because to earn money from Google Adsense, you have to work not in Google Adsense but in other platforms like YouTube or blog.

Only then can you adopt this method of earning money from Google. When you have your own blog or YouTube channel. Google Adsense is a free ad network provided by Google to publishers. In this, you can create ad units for your website or YouTube channel and place them on your website or channel.

And through this platform of Google, you can also see the details of your earnings etc. To earn money from Google Adsense, it is very important for a person to have his own website, blog or YouTube channel.

Through Mobile App Earn money from play store

Google Play Store is a platform from where Android users install various mobile apps on their Smartphone. This method of earning money from Google is quite effective in the present scenario. Google Play Store may be from Google, but the applications available in it are from different companies, individuals, etc.

At present most of the Smartphone are equipped with Android operating system. Therefore, the number of people using Android mobile is in crores. If you make your own mobile app and publish it in play store. So your app can be expected to reach these millions of people.

However, there is a $25 fee to publish your app in the Google Play Store. This is to be given only once, and after that one can publish any number of apps in the play store. But when your app reaches the Play Store, your chances of reaching millions of people also increase.

To earn money from Google in this way, first of all the interested person has to make a mobile app of his own. And after that it has to be promoted by publishing it in the play store. So that more and more people can install it on their Smartphone.

Just like YouTube channel and blog can be monetized through Google Adsense. Similarly, Android apps can be monetized through Google Admob.

Make money with Google Ads

This method of earning money from Google is a little faster than the other methods mentioned above. That is, by adopting this method, if you want, you can earn money even in a short time. But the methods mentioned above were all free-to-use methods.

But you cannot use Google Ad for free, rather you need to make some investment in it. Initially, Google also gives credit for ad campaigns up to Rs.2000. So that the user can easily learn Google Ad.

You can use Google Ads to promote your affiliate link, promote a blog, or sell any of your products or services. When you create your ad in Google Ad, Google shows your ad in search engine, YouTube, and publisher’s website.

You can target search engines when you want to sell any of your products. You can also select YouTube ads etc. to promote a blog, channel or any other digital property.

In this platform, you can define your audience in every way on the basis of geography, their interest, buying ability, etc. So that your conversion rate is high, and you can earn more and more from it. Keep in mind that the more precise audience you determine, the higher will be the conversion rate, and the more profit you will get.

 Another way to earn money from Google is Admob

This way to earn money from Google is only and only for those who have their own mobile app. Yes, through Admob, you can monetize your Android app, so that ads start showing in your Android app. And on every valid click you are earning something.

If you have an Android app of your own, and you want to monetize it. You can do this through the official website of Google Admob. Signing up and creating an account on this website is as easy as creating a Gmail ID or Facebook account.

Earn money from Google with Google opinion rewards

Google Opinion Rewards is a platform founded and developed by Google that pays people for sharing their opinion. In simple language, you can also call it a survey platform. Through this platform you can earn money by completing various surveys.

But before giving paid survey, Google gives a test survey to the user. Which is extremely important to complete and pass to all new users. That is to say, this method of earning money from Google will be successful only when you will be able to complete and pass the test survey.

 Both the Google Opinion Rewards website and mobile app are available. If you want to complete the survey from your computer or laptop, you can visit its official website. If you want to do it in mobile then you can download its app from play store.

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